Truro Buzz is a female owned business with a predominantly female staff. For International Women’s Day, we wanted to share our thoughts and experiences with you about being women in today’s world and how its changed for us over the years.
Alicia Simms
Being a strong female role model for other women and girls is important to me. It’s not something I set out to be, or thought I would be when I opened my first business in 2014. Like most women, I work in a male dominated industry (tattooing) but I was fortunate enough to begin my career in a studio with men who taught and supported me. Because of this solid foundation, I didn’t think twice about being a female business owner when I decided to branch out on my own, or that not every woman who wants to do so is so lucky to be able to.
When I was young, I was never told I’d have limitations because I was a girl, and that’s because I was lucky enough to be born where I was born, and who I was born to. The fact that I can’t imagine someone telling me ‘No, you can’t’ because I’m a girl is a privilege I don’t take lightly. One day I hope to live in a world where every girl born has the same upbringing and opportunity, but sadly that’s just not the case right now, which is why it’s important we recognize and celebrate International Women’s Day for the next generations.
I don’t have children of my own, but I have two nieces. One of my goals as an Aunt is to make sure they know they can be anything they want to be. No dream is too big or too small, and to appreciate that this is not something every girl growing up has. Most of us have strong women in our lives. It’s important we celebrate and collaborate with them, not tear them down or worry about competition.

Tanya Conrad

International Women’s Day is an opportunity for everyone (regardless of gender or gender identity) to stand together and highlight the importance of equal rights for ALL women. It is a day to celebrate girls and women all over the world, and to honour those who have been at the forefront of the fight against gender discrimination and inequities. It is also a reminder that we need to increase our efforts to help empowering women everywhere, and giving them control over their own lives.
I was raised in a single-parent family- notably a single-mother family. She has been the beacon of light and strength that taught me to stand my ground as a woman and as an individual within a world that is sometimes harsh. I strive to be the same for my children as I navigate the world as a single working mom. This years IWD theme is #EmbraceEquity, so I think it is important to note that worldwide the gender pay gap affects single working mothers the hardest!
Mary Wilson
I was conflicted about what to write in recognition of International Women’s Day.
International Women’s Day is important because women face oppression in many different ways. We need to celebrate the victories of women in the face of this oppression. We need to acknowledge that we are nowhere near gender parity. We need to understand that “woman” means different things to different people and it always has, throughout all of human history.
All that to say, on International Women’s Day I want to express how grateful I am to exist in a time and place where women have the opportunity to celebrate and rejoice in their lives as women. My daughters, all four of them, are growing up in a world where being a woman isn’t something that will prevent them from achieving their dreams. I’m so grateful they get to experience life that isn’t hindered by something so inextricably linked to their basic humanity. They will have access to all the same benefits they would have had if they were boys.
What it means to be a woman is an individual and deeply personal experience. We get to choose how to celebrate it and how to improve upon it so that every woman has the opportunity to determine their own relationship and experience with womanhood. International Women’s Day is a chance to reflect upon what that means for each of us and our world as a whole.

Bruno Vilchis
I am from a country in which women still face inequality in almost all aspects of their lives to the degree of sometimes even fearing for them. I was blessed to be raised by a woman who did everything in her power to inculcate in me the importance of actively fighting for what is equal and just.
I take this day as an opportunity to listen and show my support for the advancement of women’s rights and to take action toward creating a more equal and just society for all genders.
I am proud to form part of an organization made and led by strong and intelligent women.

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